Saturday, March 5, 2016


Discipline,  what is it?   We hear this word thrown about all the time.  If only I were more disciplined, I could do...   fill in the blank.  We could do anything right?   Discipline is the ability to do what needs to be done, even when we don't feel like it.  (thank you Brian Tracy!)  I was listening to a book on Cd by Brian tracy the other day and he read that definition of discipline.  I had to rewind and listen to it again.   Doing something even though you don't want to.   Does that mean that there are people out there that don't want to exercise, but do it anyway?   Does that mean that some people don't want to load the dishwasher, or empty it, but do it anyway?   Mind literally blown.   The difference between who I am now, and who I want to become is a choice.   Whether I do what needs to be done, or give in to my negative voice.   This choice, this discipline.  It's all up to me.   Just like courage is feeling the fear and doing something anyway.  Being disciplined is feeling the pull to not do something, but doing it anyway.   This is possible.   It is not an enigma.  In fact you can make the choice right now.   Stand up, and do that one thing that you have been procrastinating.   Go on,   you can do it.  Load the dishwasher, do 10 pushups.   Just do it.  Once you do you will feel so much better and have that much more motivation to do the next item on your procrastination list.   Discipline, it isn't hard, it isn't impossible.  It is just action, even when you don't want to move.

Just move.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Not long ago I saw that there was a 10 lb challenge for the month of January.   I decided that I could use a little extra motivation and so I signed up for it.    My therapist and I had been talking about internal vs external motivation.  External motivation is what people tell you.   "A large waist can cause diabetes."  "Weighing 125 for your height is the most ideal."  "yoyo dieting is very unhealthy"   Internal motivation is based off of what you feel, or experience.   "when I eat green smoothies I am more energetic."  "Running on the treadmill increases my mood"   "When I drink enough water I am not as achy."   Notice the difference in the two.   Internal motivation is freeing while external is like a weight of guilt and shame.  The things you "should" fix or do.   External is good, but internal is even better.  
I have been focusing on my internal motivation.  The reasons I want to do things, how they make me feel.   It really makes a huge difference to do things because of me...not what other people, even experts say. 

I found some new water bottles that are really working well for me.   I got them at costco...3 24 oz bottles for $18, now I see (looking at amazon) it was a fantastic deal!  I won't let the kids drink out of them and they sit there as three trophies showing at the end of the day that I drank my water. 

I am also eating more fruits and veggies as well as consistently exercising.   I set up a new goal plan and weekly benchmarks to help me see progress.   I have completed all 17 days so far of the 10 lb challenge and am down 3 lbs.  :)

I realized that I can create the experience I want.   I can create my life, I can create my success.   I just need to create it.   So now that is what I am doing. 

All the best!

Friday, January 8, 2016

My apologies

It appears I was some how spammed, I have deleted the offending post!  I hope it didn't cause any issues. 

I have changed my password, hopefully it will not happen again!