Sunday, January 23, 2022

Another New Beginning

Life certainly goes in cycles.   This is another example of that.  Here I am still working on some of the habits I have worked on for years.   I am tired of being in this cycle.  Yes I am improving each time.  However, I find that I am forgetting some of the nuggets of wisdom that I had and needing to learn it again and again.   It is time for me to break the cycle of learning and not completing.  So!   Here is my new beginning, again.    I have been in a program called Noom, working with a coach to figure things out.   You know, everytime I have a coach, I tend to tell them what I want and they hold me accountable...well mostly.  It is actually me that is holding myself as accountable as I want to be.   I check in, I follow through, when I want to.   It is time to truly be accountable to myself.   I have a list of items I am working on.   These things are simple.  Sleep, activity, phone usage.   I am not jumping into a huge change all at once, but instead, tackling one item, one week at a time.   That way I can make sure it works for me and integrate it slowly.  I have found in the past that if I jump in too quickly I crash and burn.   It is an all or nothing type of thing.  Especially when it comes to food.  It is time to be my own coach and finally put all my knowledge to more figuring it out, no more looking to another program.  I have the knowledge just need the consistency.   So, here we go again at the beginning of the trail.  A trail I know partly.  A trail I've seen and started and restarted.  I know all the info, I know what to do.  Now is the time to do it!   I am far from perfect, however I am not giving up.   Failure is to not try again...I will not fail!   

Here's to all of us with our new beginnings!  What are you working on?