Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Status update

I have been noticing that I am not nearly as careful with my choices as I was when I was posting daily.   I have not been planning the night before or the day of either.   I am working on ideas for that.   The good thing is that I have a new mantra of "eat at home".  Other than a few instances like hubby taking me out to lunch and our eat out night once a week, I have been coming up with ideas to make food.   Last night I cooked some chicken in the pressure cooker (4 frozen breasts with 1 cup broth and 1 cup water on high pressure for 12 min, which ends up being about 25.  Removed them from the juices and cut them up.  I added gravy mix to the juice and cooked it until thick adding the chicken in to warm through easy and quick!)

My trainer took the month off, I can't blame her as it is a crazy month.  I still have tons of prep to do.   In the wake of that though I was wondering what workouts I should do this month.   The other morning I woke up thinking I needed to do P90x again.  So I dusted off the discs and started on Monday.  I bought it years ago, did really well until waking up at 5 am to workout got to me.  :)
So far so good though.  I woke up sore this morning after doing only half of the plyo workout yesterday.   So change is a good thing.  

My weigh in this morning was 198.4   I have been snacking on a lot of sweets.  We had my son's and daughters birthdays last week as well as my son's baptism into our church.   With big events came lots of treats and leftovers.  :)   I am working to plan menus again and make treats adding in flax or whole wheat flour instead of buying them. 

I have also been emotional eating as my doctor scared me with the fact that my thyroid cancer could come back.  He was concerned over some enlarged lymph nodes in my neck and so we did a thyrogen challenge over the big event weekend.   If only doctors had time when I wasn't busy!   Only a bit stressful.   It included two shots on Thursday and Friday which left me achy and tired.   Then a blood draw on Monday.   The blood work came back yesterday as clean,  Hooray!  I have been very blessed.  There were many prayers said for me which I know helped.  

So that is my quick update.   Off to clean some more (I have been doing well with my hour of clean, the house is showing it) 

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