Friday, November 27, 2015

Mind Games

In a recent visit with my therapist we talked about motivation.   I have long term motivation.   What could be called "whys"   but that doesn't give me short term motivation.   The short term motivation is what gets you to make the harder choice in the moment.   Turns out that we as humans tend to take the easy way, almost all the time.  I know, I didn't want to believe it either.   It seems that faced with two choices such as eating the chocolate sitting on the counter or pulling veggies out of the fridge, we will pick the first because it is the most convenient.   I know that is how it works for me.   I am not lazy but more wired to find the ways that make something the easiest for me.  In some aspects this is a good thing.  But when trying to change my routines it isn't exactly the best.

So we talked of different methods to combat the laziness.  A rewards jar or an if this than I can have that scenario.  She said something that really struck me though.   It comes down to a constant negotiation with ourselves.   Even if we are having those thoughts of I don't want to, we can play a mental game with ourselves.   Our subconcious doesn't realize we are playing the game, only our conciousness.   So in reality if you trick yourself it has the same effect as if we had made the choice out of habit. 

Since we talked about this, I have started playing the game.  If I want to sit at the computer and I have a load of laundry to do, I will say I will sit down after I do the laundry.   Of course not out loud.  :) 
  If I want to watch a TV show, I will do the dishes first, or do them while watching.   "I can watch while I wash the dishes".   It isn't saying no to myself, but adding conditions.  

My trainer even mentioned something like this the other day.   When she wants a treat, she will tell herself she can have it later (tonight or tomorrow)   usually when the time comes she doesn't want it anymore. Interesting isn't it.   When I tried holding off on treats until a specific day every week, I found myself craving them more, hiding stuff in the freezer wolfing it down on Saturday.   Perhaps my waiting time was too long.  

So far the mental game is working for me in getting me up and moving instead of sitting and not moving.   I found Downton Abby last week...lets say that was rather dangerous.   I have been watching it quite a bit.  But usually (recently) while I am doing something else. 

If you try playing games with yourself, let me know how it goes!

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