Thursday, November 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 363

Today was a good day.  I am starting to feel things come together.  I apparently take a while to have that happen, but all is good.  

It was just my trainer and me for our workout today.  It was really good...we worked every body part.  Heavy!  I was using my 45 lb bar and doing squats (like 20 at a time) then bench press and more.   Pretty crazy.  I am feeling strong but also like I will be sore tomorrow.  I definitely feel that my abs are my weak spot.   I have trouble keeping them engaged.  We talked about I am now texting her every night at 8 pm to say what I have completed out of our goals.  Today was day one of that...I got it all.  YAY!  Now to continue

I was feeling really unmotivated to clean so posted a game on the fly bingo page to get my cleaning hour in.   Setting the timer for 10 minutes in each section made a huge difference in how the house looks and my accountability too.  I think I will have to do that again tomorrow.

Breakfast:  Banana on PB toast
green smoothie:  pineapple, milk, protein powder and spinach.
Lunch:  a few tootsie rolls, toast with beef and provolone (and mustard)  yum!
Snack:   Chocolate lava cake.  Wasn't as sweet as I wanted but pretty tasty
Dinner:  Chef salad.  YUMMO.  I didn't cook the eggs long enough...hard boiled eggs that are slimy are gross so I re cooked them instead of having them on my salad.  I did have turkey and croutons, cheese, lettuce, cucumber and carrots though.  Yummy.  a little more of the cake...wasn't so great so I threw out the rest.

Got all my water, veggies and fruits. 

Tomorrow's plan
pb toast with banana
tuna grilled cheese with salad
Chicken tacos with salad

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