Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 361

I realized today that I have mis marked quite a few posts as being in the 200s lately.  Ooops. 

Today started out well.  Got up a little later than planned, but mostly got in my cleaning hour.   After getting the kids off to school, I found I got sidetracked.   I had to run something up to my hubby and then watched the neighbors kid for a little bit.   I started to feel sick too...my throat is really scratchy.   So not cool.   By afternoon I was feeling depressed and blah and just wanting to sit around.   I tend to fizzle around the time the kids get home from school. I don't know why it is right then, it isn't like I've been really active right before they get home.   Maybe I need some meditation time around 2 pm...

I didn't have all the ingredients to make the waffles this morning so ate fruit and donuts for breakfast.   Then kinda snacked.
I grabbed weinerschnitzel on the way home from the office, then remembered after the fact that I am trying to cut back on eating out.  I wanted chili...so had a chili cheese dog, I kinda wanted to try chili cheese fries, but figured that really wouldn't be good in the car.  We did get fries though. and a raspberry lemonade.  They have the best!

I did finally exercise...after noon.   Biceps and back.  15 lb weights and down to 12s,

I had last nights leftovers for dinner.  and then some mint ice cream brownies.  I realized I really don't like brownie mixes from the store.   It was hard and chewy and so not tasty.   So we ate the ice cream off the top and will throw out the rest.   I was feeling really lazy and let the kids watch tv while I lazed on the bed feeling yucky...hopefully I get feeling better soon.  I'm not even that sick, just not 100%

Tomorrow's plan.
Toast with PB and pomegranet seeds
smoothie?--I have a dr's appointment...we will see how that effects my schedule.  
chicken tacos

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