Tuesday, November 17, 2015

And now what?

I kinda fell of the radar a few days.   I think I needed to decompress a bit.  It has been nice to not be posting right before going to bed.  :)

My weigh in was 195.2 on Sunday morning.  I went to the doctor yesterday.   She told me that she would have certainly called me pre-diabetic 6 months ago.   Now she isn't worried at all and won't even check an A1c at the next visit.  Quite the changes!   So even though my weight has not changed by much.  (By office records I am down 4 lbs since my last visit 6 months ago) I am much healthier on the inside.   YAY!

So what have I accomplished in the last year?   I can now run much faster.   My intervals the other day were between 6 and 7 mph on the treadmill.  There was a time I didn't think that could happen.   I am much stronger.   I can feel the strength in my abs and I used a 45 lb bar for my squats the other day.  It was not just 5, but 20 at a time.  I am now lifting 15 lb weights for my bicep exercises.   I started at 8 lbs.    I have increased my power team.  I now have a trainer, a therapist, and a doctor that are all on my team.   They encourage me.   Going to the doctor was a good experience instead of a depressing one.  So even though I did not achieve a number of pounds lost goal.  I have made significant changes in my life that will only propel me farther in the future.   I have a structure and foundation that will make me successful!   It has always been hard for me to ask for help but I have learned to do that more this year.  Even though it has not been easy all of the time. 

So now for a new game plan.   Instead of daily food intake reports, I am going to change it up a bit and focus on planning and responses.   So when I post it will be during the day (instead of right before bed...) and will be more what is on my mind instead of the rote here is what I ate response.   I will post my monthly meal plan (per therapist goal) as well as my weigh ins and exercise plans.   I will also post my weekly rhythm sheet per the Best Year Ever.  
This week is my hubby's and my  15th anniversary (can't believe it's been that long!) So I might not get it all, but we will see. :)

Thanks for reading my postings. 

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