Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 362

It was a busy day today.   I went to my endo today. The trip there ended up having multiple other stops as well.   Lab work was interesting.  Apparently I am not getting enough thyroid my dose will probably be increased.   However my Blood Glucose level...the Hemoglobin A1c was lower.   5.4.  That is the best it has been in a long time!   I dropped 0.4 points.  YAY!   I was very excited to see that.

Because i wasn't home too long this morning, I only got in 10 minutes of exercise.  Not bad though.

I ate a banana for breakfast and my snack.
We snacked on candy while driving around
After getting home I was starving so ate a leftover chili cheese dog and some leftovers from monday.
Dinner was chicken noodle soup.   I have been craving Chocolate like crazy.  Ate some orange sticks, and really wanted to make some sort of ooey gooey chocolate cake.   never did but definitely thought about it.

Not enough water, steps or veg

Tomorrow's plan.
toast with pb and a banana
pancakes, bacon eggs.

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