Friday, November 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 257

Today I met with my therapist.   Before I ever met with her I felt like a failure for even thinking about needing this kind of help.   Now after my second appointment, I feel a sense of freedom.   It is a good feeling to know that I have an authoritative person in my court and that I can pose any problem and she will be on my team to help me solve it, or find a way to make it better. 

Today we set up goals...pretty much what I am already working on.   So we are working on Healthy Body, Healthy mind and Healthy House.   I will get my blood sugar to normal levels, run a 10 min mile by 2/1/2016.  Only eat out 1 x per week, exercise 4 days a week (at least) and make a monthly balanced meal plan. 
In regards to the house I will begin a cleaning hour first thing in the morning at least 4 days a week.
My mind, we will work on strategies to help me get into a more positive mindset and improve my self image.

I tried to add more...but she said that these are things that I am making part of my lifestyle so from here on out I will complete these items.   In a way it was good to hear that I needed to choose less, and make it for my life, instead of just until a certain date. 

What can I do for the long run to have my body mind and spirit in a healthy place and enjoy it?
I believe I have some of those answers right here.

I am excited to get to work...and get started.   Part of me says I need to wait until Monday. but I am attempting to fight that thought...Why not now?

Today's food:
Protein Pumpkin pancakes with apple butter
repeated for lunch
Hot chocolate.  It is a cold day today!
Pizza.   Yet again, I didn't start the crockpot early in the day as I had planned.  We ordered pizza and pasta and picked it up.   I guess I will officially start my goals on Monday...or Sunday.

My aunt passed away this afternoon.   So very sad.  She leaves a young family and they deserve to have their mom.   Life is rather unfair.   Take care of yourselves and live everyday to the fullest.   She always gave hugs and said I love you...without abandon.   A beautiful soul!

I don't know if I am going into a coping mechanism or what, but I have been looking at dogs this evening.  My hubby likes the terrier mixes.  A cute small dog might be fun.   Not sure I am ready for that commitment, in fact I once said I would rather have another child before another dog.   However I have this seed planted in my head.   My son would love nothing more than to have a dog.   I hope I have not been a big tease by thinking about it.  

Tomorrow....pumpkin protein pancakes,
Run, followed by a smoothie (a makeshift one, still don't have a blender)
Salad, pizza
Roast beef on rolls.  Veg

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