Thursday, November 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 256

It's been an interesting day.   Started out with Protein Pumpkin Pancakes that I found on the State of Slim Facebook page.  They were really quite good...lots of eggs, pumpkin and oat flour.   I think I will do them again!

My trainer came and killed us off!   It was leg day.  Boy was I shaking!   First off though we did our fitness test.  I shaved a full second off of my ladder time, and increased my pushups and planks significantly.  quite amazing.   I used 15 lb weights for the biceps. 

I improvised and made my green smoothie in my food processor.  It turned out very I ate it with a spoon.  :)

Phili cheese steak for dinner.  Hubby was kind enough to pick up dinner for us.   I had received news that my aunt had an aneurysm burst and was being pulled off of life support.  I've been very introverted and weepy since I heard.   I feel great pain for the family.   So young to loose a mom.

Not enough water/veg/fruits.

Pumpkin protein waffles
Maybe a smoothie.
beef on rolls...I'll actually get it in the crock pot on time this time.

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