Monday, November 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 253

What a busy day.  I have been running around quite a bit, getting ready for apple preserving.   I did plan my day this morning, and filled out the Your Best Year Ever booklet for the week.   Planning on being very productive this week!

Breakfast:   Oatmeal and milk
Spinach fruit salad, BLT Pasta salad
Steak and cucumbers

Exercise was 1.25 miles in 18 minutes.  (I am purposely going 1.25 miles and attempting to get faster every time)  Push ups, 15 lb weight bicep curls (10)

Tomorrow's plan.

Oatmeal and milk
spaghetti squash, chicken and vindaloo
Chicken and rice, cooked veggies.

I have lots of apples to turn into yummy food starting tomorrow...hoping it goes quickly and easily.

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