Saturday, November 7, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 258

It's been an interesting Saturday.   I got in my exercise and then had my food processor made smoothie...but I didn't eat before then.   I ran 1.25 miles in 17 minutes.  Getting close to my goal.  My trainer said she bets I could do a 10 minute mile now, if I tried.   I am betting she is right, but nervous to just try it. 

I ended up eating a lot of treats today.  I even feel a little sick to my stomach because of it.  I finally put that roast in the crock pot, but everyone was hungry before it was done.  So I ended up cooking sausages 3 hours before dinner and most of us were not hungry for dinner. 

We went for a drive, hubby grabbed some drinks a chips for us while we were out and about.  It was a spur of the moment trip and I wasn't prepared. 

I've started my month's worth of meal planning but am having a hard time with it.   I have trouble making decisions. 

So I don't even know what to plan for tomorrow...

I found a recipe for easy krispie cream donuts that I thought I would make for breakfast tomorrow.  You get a sheet of puff pastry, cut it in circles and fry it.   Sounds yummy.
Lunch:  wraps  leftovers for the family
Dinner.  Poppy seed chicken and frozen veggies.

I guess if I make myself do it, it isn't so hard!

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