Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 255

Wow what a day, my back and legs and feet are soooo tired!   I made a ton of applesauce and turned half of it into apple butter.  IT toook soo oooo much longer than I expected.   I finally finished and cleaned up around 8 pm...close to 12 hours of work.   Crazy!   I put the rest of the sauce in the fridge to make more butter or can tomorrow or Friday.  

Breakfast:  pumpkin chocolate chip bread
I went to make myself a smoothie for a snack and my blender not cool!
Lunch.   Chicken salad wrap...yummy
Snack:  Apples, fruit snacks pumpkin bread
Pizza.  I was in the heat of it all and totally forgot to start dinner in the crockpot.  So pizza and pasta was it!  Thank goodness for dominos delivery!

I ran intervals this morning on the treadmill:  1.25 miles, starting at 6 mph up to 7,  17 mins (warmed up for 5 min at 3 mph)  Feeling pretty good about that.   Although I tired myself out before the day of standing even began!
Tomorrow is training day.  I hope I don't die!  Got all my water.  Only one veg serving, 2 fruits

The plan:
Breakfast:  eggs and spinach on toast.
Snack;   pumpkin bread
Lunch:  wrap
Snack;   Oranges
Dinner:   Beef on rolls.

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