Friday, November 13, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 364

Friday's get rather busy around here, I was tired this morning and didn't get up so early.  Truth is I would have loved to sleep in for several more hours. 
I skipped exercise, as I ran out of time, Running the kids to school takes a lot of my morning. 

Breakfast:  PB and banana on toast
Salad, the same as last night.  So yummy!
Chips queso, and donuts
Chicken taco meat with carrots and cucumbers.   I ate enough chips that I wasn't so hungry for dinner
Sugar cookie.   Wasn't so hungry but it called to me, ate it even though it wasn't tasting 100% yummy

It was a day of running around.  But a good one.  I got a lot done.

VEg/fruits (I'm counting the banana as 2 fruits as I ate the whole thing)

Plan for tomorrow.
Pumpkin protein waffles with apple butter
It's the funeral tomorrow so some of the day is up in the air food wise.

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