Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 254

So time has flown, I thought I would be to bed early tonight, and here it is after 10 and I am just writing my day's post...so much for going to bed before ten!

I had a busy day, cleaning and then making apple pie filling.   I made 4 batches (6 lbs of apples each)  That are now down freezing away in my freezer.   Yummy!  The house smelled so good!

I had toast with PB and jam for breakfast
Cookies and apples
Bread with turkey and stuffing
Cookies and apples
Chicken and rice with broccoli and cauliflower.  Yummy!
I made a loaf of bread in our bread maker, "had" to try some at 9:30 at night...don't tell my trainer!  YUM!

Tomorrow I am going to be tackling the rest of the apples, making sauce and butter.  YUM!  I was worried about my glass top stove and canning, but according to the manufactures instructions as long as it is a flat bottom pot I'm good to go.   I have a large stainless steel one that looks like it will work great.   Luckily sauce and butter aren't too long in boiling in the water bath.   Wish me luck!

PUmpkin bread and scrambled eggs
Roast Beef sandwiches

I have totally reversed my non spending....saved ton's of money last month and now I have been to the store daily this week.   I have not completed my end of October survey yet.   Been too busy!

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