Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 259

Skipped Blood sugar, I have somehow misplaced my meter.

Breakfast:   Oatmeal with milk

Exercise:   one hour on the bike, lunges, pushups, flies

Lunch:  Leftover pizza, banana ice cream

Snack:  peanut m&ms, vanilla ice cream with butterscotch syrup

dinner:   Pizza, a couple bites of cake, garlic bread

I had a frustrating moment today.  Picked up my medicine at the pharmacy only to find out it was now 9x the usual cost.  So angry!  Now I have to decide if I want to go to the generic version.  I went grocery shopping after that and had been craving brownies.   By the time I got there, all sugary stuff didn't look good.  So I didn't buy any.  That was unusual for me.   So a win!

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