Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 241

Today I have had a day where I just was in a fog.   It seems like my default is way too often, going into a fog.    By this afternoon I was feeling a lot better.   I walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph.   

I had a hard time eating this morning...Drank some carnation instant breakfast and was still hungry, but didn't find anything I wanted to eat.   I was so tired that I sat and listened (fell asleep) to a meditation app.   

For lunch I had the last of the yummy salad from monday night.   And then a pulled pork sandwich.

I have had a hard time getting in my water all week and so tried some flavored with mio.   It was hitting the spot and I was able to get a little more hydrated.

I made pizza for the kiddos, ate a piece.  And then sausage for my hubby.   He brought home some rolls to have with it.  

Spent the evening cleaning up the dishes and watching Back to the Future II with the family.   It is afterall the day that was in the movie!  Oct 21, 2015

Plan for tomorrow. 
Waffle, strawberries and coolwhip
A second trainer workout for the week
Green smoothie
Tuna fish sandwich
pineapple meatballs.

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