Saturday, October 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 244

Today has been a difficult day.  I didn't follow any of my plan.  We had hotdogs for dinner, I had bread with pb and jam for breakfast and soup for lunch.   In the middle I made fudge and we ate a lot of sugary things.  Enough that my tummy is rather upset now.

I have noticed how when we were out of town, I would make healthier choices, because it was ready made and I didn't have to put out effort.   I have noticed this before.   I know it is true that prep really makes a difference.  So I am wondering how I can make that work for me better.   Using what I have and preparing it in advance, and actually doing it.   Something to ponder more.  (any good ideas?)

I didn't exercise, didn't get enough steps, water or veg today.   I did spend a lot of time with the kids, clean up the dishes and get a bunch of laundry done,  so I had some wins!

Tomorrow's plan
Hamburgers, salad, pasta, cookies.

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