Sunday, June 7, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 194

Today was Fast Sunday.   I totally forgot to weigh myself...two weeks without, hmmm my life hasn't changed. :)   

Blood Sugar:  103

This evening I ate a donut, ham and cheese some bread.   

I drank lots of water.  Got about 60 oz.   

Realized today that I am sick of messes...My husband and kids don't deserve to live in a kitchen that has 3 loads of dishes hanging out in it.   So I am committing to move and clean and keep up with my tasks!   No more getting distracted, no more giving in to electronics.   Time to do those things that I keep on beating myself up over.

Took the kids on a walk this evening as well.  It was beautiful weather.  They wanted to keep going but it was getting late.  Glad they wanted to keep going!

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