Thursday, June 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 198

I don't know what is going on in my brain, but I'm having a hard time this week.  I've been eating out of convenience not hunger or what I want.   I am doing just the minimum amount of work I need too.  I'm finding myself sitting quite frequently.   Getting irritated a lot.  It is time to change my mindset.  The Darren Daily today said to do 5 positive things.   5 Acts of positivity.   I didn't do it.  I will tomorrow.  It was things like being friendly, smile, enjoy the unexpected, be happy for someone else's success, Pay a compliment to someone.  Vocalize the beauty around me. 

I barely tracked what I ate:  We made sausage and pancakes for breakfast.  I had a couple.   The Trainer came shortly after and I burned 700 calories we did some step aerobics and lunges, shoulders and back.  12 lb weights all the way!   I took my measurements.  Was a little depressed with that.   I am 5 inches up, again.   I may be eating more, but I feel like I am getting stronger.  My blood sugars are up yet my weight is pretty stable.  I'm just frustrated!  I know it is always darkest before the dawn, but I didn't think it was also the most frustrating!  I know that everything I do makes a difference.   On Facebook yesterday there was a picture of a gal doing yoga.  
You can find the original here.  All credit goes to the folks on this facebook page.  
I found this to be a great reminder, that great things take time.  Rarely do you see a timeline on progress like this.   So even though my progress feels stagnated.  The weights I am lifting and the exercise I am doing is changing my body.   I have not changed on the outside yet, but I am changing on the inside.   I am now lifting 12 lb weights...I started with 8s.   I am running an 11-12 minute mile.  I shaved a whole minute off my ladder time.   I am getting faster and stronger.  The sleeker will come! 

After exercise I had a protein shake with spinach, some more pancakes with apricot syrup (YUM!) and snacked the rest of the afternoon.  We didn't even have a real dinner.  No one was hungry after all our snacking!

So remember, Progress takes time!!  I am making progress...I just can't see it yet!   I will see it, yes I will!!

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