Sunday, June 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 201

This morning I actually slept in...well it was 8:30, Sure felt like sleeping in!   

I did the Jon Gabriel Meditation for this morning, and then got up to help the kiddos.  We had Stake Conference today so our church schedule was a bit different.   I decided to walk.  We are very blessed to have our church building within a mile of our house.   It was a very good meeting.   My brain checked out during the last half hour of the two hour meeting, I am not used to sitting still for that long any more, since I am in with the primary kids.  :)   There was a lot of talk about teaching a child.   That really spoke to me the most...especially the fact that it needs to be done before it grows too late.  Agency was discussed in this context and how we need to teach children to govern themselves.   Especially teach them to work and give them opportunities to learn how to work hard.  Opportunities to Fail, and to learn that they can do hard things.   I felt I got a spiritual recharge and that I came home with a new outlook.   A new reminder to myself that I need to take care of myself spiritually, mentally and physically.

I have been working on the best year ever book.   Realized that I had issues with the thoughts of who I need to become in order to reach my goals. I was afraid that I would have the wrong priorities and end up in a place I didn't want to be.    Turns out that I can dictate how I make the changes...the goal is to become the person I want to become, not let "fate" take over.  

I forgot to take my blood sugar this morning, and chose not to weigh myself.   I felt that the salty pizza I ate last night would skew the results.  

Food:  Forgot to eat breakfast,  had half of my leftover philadelphian and a brownie for lunch.   Ate pretzels and chips as a afternoon snack and then some bacon for dinner.  I'm making some sugar cookie bars.  YUM! (I tried some dough...have to make frosting tomorrow.) 

Water--48 oz

We went to hubby's parents this afternoon to take his mom a gift for her birthday.  Visited with hubby's brother and family.   It was a nice afternoon.  I sat on the floor and played with the kids.  :)

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