Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 196

It's been a difficult day for me.  My sugar was up this morning and I ended up in a grumpy mood.  The kids followed me everywhere.  I am slightly glad they are going back on track on Thursday. 

Blood Sugar: 109  I was just frustrated by this.  I thought it would be better since we had a lot of protein for dinner.  However the book I am reading said that Red meat can actually increase blood sugar more than other meats.   Great...

Breakfast:   Piece of sweet bread.  I was going to make eggs and then though to heck with it.  My sugar is high anyway.  Really bad thinking.

Exercise:  20 minutes on the bike

Snack: 2 scrambled eggs.

Lunch:  Ranch burger, a few fries, a cookie and some bread. It's time to throw that crap away.  It's really not that good but I keep eating it anyway.  A fiber bar

Dinner:  A few sliced hot dogs, a few fruit snacks and another piece of bread.  Get ready for another high sugar.  I feel like crap. 

The dishes aren't done and I feel like I am back to square one again.   Tomorrow I will have a better day.  I am going to bed earlier tonight.   So I can get more done tomorrow! 

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