Sunday, June 28, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 215

Sunday morning.  I took a leisurely time getting up and ready.   I did actually weigh myself this morning too.

Weight:  198

Blood Sugar 107

I was feeling good...Extra sleep sure helps.   I made gandolfo sandwiches for breakfast.  It's nice to have pre-cooked bacon in the fridge.  We didn't eat until 11...very late morning!

I walked home from church today.  IT was soooo hot, but it felt good!  Only 42000 steps for the whole day...but I didn't feel like I sat around doing nothing.

Dinner was ravioli and garlic rolls.  The ravioli was a new kind.  Bacon Carbonara.  So not good.  I'm throwing the rest out.   I snacked on skittles, and chocolate was a letdown!

I youtubed ideas for using a planner yesterday and found some good ones.  Including using stickers and washi tape to make it your own.   I will show you what I have done.  I am using post it notes and stamps and stickers to increase my enjoyment. :)   I was going to purchase a bunch of stickers on Etsy but then realized I had these avery return address labels. So I made my own.  I already feel so much more motivated with this than I have in a long time so we will see how it works!

I also watched a Brendon Burchard video recently about 5x50.  Basically 5 things you can do to improve your productivity.  I am excited by it.   Getting more sleep was at the top of the list, then avoiding your email for the first 50 minutes of the day (stretch and plan instead).  I feel really motivated and excited right now! 

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