Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 203

Its been a bit of a difficult day for me.  My blood sugar was 112 this morning.   To say that was depressing is an understatement.   I ate mini wheats blueberries and milk for breakfast then we exercised--squats, lunges, rows, pushups, triceps, planks.  I used 12 lb weights and a 25 lb kettlebell for the one arm rows.  I was impressed with myself on that.   Afterwards I had half of a carnation instant breakfast.   Then said to heck with it and started eating the sugar cookie bars I made the other day.   I wouldn't say I was binge eating, but I did probably eat more than I really wanted.  I didn't eat lunch until after one, and that was a grilled cheese sandwich.  I have had no veggies and no protein today.   So I am sure my sugar will be high again tomorrow.  

I have come to realize that my brain has everything to do with what I do.  This sounds really silly.  Of course it does.   But there is a realization here for me.   My mental attitude is paramount!   One of the goals I am working on...that I have put into the best year ever plan is to become more positive.  I have not figured out all of the plan to get there, but I have the thought.   I read today about how we create synapses in our brains that give us habits.  As we continue in the action the synapse is improved and the pathway becomes easier to travel.   This is with bad habits too.  Picking up my phone and checking my email is now an easy pathway...one I find myself doing and wondering why I do it.    So the challenge is to make a habit that is just as driven as checking my phone, that is a healthier habit.  Such as eating veggies or going to sleep earlier.   Food for thought....he he thats punny!  :)

Dinner was tortillinis and pesto.   Still no protein or veggies...  I did make dinner though!  

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