Monday, June 8, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 195

Gratitudes:  Meditation.  I've been listening to a 21- day meditation from the Gabriel Method.   It is great!  General Conference Talks.  I joined a group on Facebook that shares talks from the apostles, one for each day in june.  It is called Joy in June.  She has shared some great ones!  Treadmill.   I put in the distance of 0.15 miles today and put in that it would take one minute.  The distance and time I have been doing one of the ladders outside in.  It came up saying that I would need to run 9 mph to get there.   I was flabbergasted!   It's amazing how much of a difference I have seen since I started working with a trainer.   I thought a minute at 6.5 mph was hard, once.   

Intentions for the day:Make up a game plan for The Life Changing magic of tidying up, and Intuitive Eating.   Starting the 18th, I will begin an Intuitive Eating Boot Camp.  For 12 weeks I am going to be posting about a principle of Intuitive Eating.  With ideas and ways to work with in it.  I want to do the same with The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up.  It is time that I stopped living in Clutter and Chaos!    I am also going to do laundry and work on my bedroom.

Morning Blood Sugar:  110--I was surprised.  After fasting I thought for sure it would have been lower.  I have research to do. 

Exercise:  Trainer Plan:   Lunges, 20 pushups, squat kicks, bicycle abs, over head press (12 lb weights x 20) Treadmill 5 min warmup and then 10 minutes on the treadmill.  5 was at 5 mph, then I tried 2 minutes a 6, then 1 minute at 7.5...I did it.  Perhaps I really am that fast!  I am so having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that I could do that!

Time:  8:30
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:Half a banana and pistachios

Time: 10
Hunger Level*:
Ate: chocolate protein shake with banana, kefer,  spinach, protein powder, fiber.  A small slice of lemon bread...really didn't taste good. I threw out the last bites--but really could have earlier as it didn't taste good from the beginning. 

Time: 12:30
Hunger Level*:
Ate: Jerky, a hotdog

Time: 3 pm
Hunger Level*:
Ate:  Grapes, sweet bread, cheese stick

Hunger Level*: 5
Ate: Roast, grapes, peas, shrimp macaroni salad.  A piece of sweet bread.
Comments:  YUM!  I wasn't so hungry but ate anyway.

Water intake:  64

Daily Wins:  Cleaned the kitchen.  Ran for a minute at 7.5 mph.  got in my fruit and veggie.  Went to the store and didn't buy any sweets.

Daily goal:
Drink 64 oz water  Complete.   Continue to strive for daily. 
1 fruit, 1 Veg. 
One load of laundry to completion:  wash-dry-fold-put away

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis.
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October
7.  The Amy stretch!
8.  Brenda Vance Stairs
9.  10 full pushups

I am 34 inches thinner from my bust/waist and hips and a size 8's measurements of 36/28/38 on October 7, 2015.  I am following the trainers workout and food plans drink 64 oz of water a day and getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
I track this by completing my measurements every 4 weeks and weighing in weekly. My expectation is to see a decrease of approximately 5 inches per month.

 I am completing my daily trainer workouts, planning my meals, eating as I am hungry and listening to my fullness cues. I get in 10000 steps 6 times a week. I measure my progress with Sunday Morning weigh ins and document it on my blog. I stick to a regular bedtime and use a timer when I am on the computer.  I feel energetic and strong. I Feel good in my own skin.

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

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