Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 100, the challenge ends

Day 100 is apparently today.   I obviously lost count somewhere in there. Yesterday I started looking at all my past posts.   My plan was to do a synopsis.  That didn't happen.   But I did find myself getting motivated.   I wish I talked to myself that way all the time!   It feels good!  

I did not achieve the goals I had wished to over the last 100 days.  Part of me wonders if I just expect to not achieve them any more.  It has been a learning experience though.  I have started working with the trainer.  My weight has not decreased but I am noticing my strength increasing.  My measurements today were decreasing around my waist and hips and increased around my arms and legs.  That is telling me that I am creating muscle.   This is only going to work in my favor.   So although I didn't achieve my big goal, I have made great changes that are allowing me to make progress.  I am not stagnant, I am not going backwards, I am moving forward and with that I will have no doubt of reaching success!  So here is to the next 100 days!  May I have even more success with them. 

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