Sunday, April 26, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 152

Weigh in 198.8

Blood Sugar 99

Breakfast:  mini wheats and milk

Lunch:  angel food cake, strawberries and whipped cream YUM!

Dinner.   Grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup.  The rest of the angel food cake

Snack:  m&m's, a Popsicle.  Milk.  Milk has really hit the spot for me today.   I made brownies and had a few crumbs.  It wasn't tasting as good anymore. 

I have been reading the book:  The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  It has been very interesting.  Not only does she take you through de-cluttering, but she talks about why and how.   It has made me quite motivated to go through my house and start to organize and get rid of things.  I know I can use it.   The house can use it.  My hubby would be ecstatic.  Time for action.  

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