Friday, July 31, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 248

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Talking to my husband.  Sometimes I forget that I need to talk, and not imagine.  :)  The ability to clean house, good food.
Intentions for the day: Clean like crazy.   I decided I need to pretend that I am selling my house and go through and clean it as well as I would for that. 

Morning Blood Sugar: 108

Exercise:  Never got around to it.   Started cleaning and got in the groove!

Time: 8
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:a protein ball

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 247

Skipped my blood sugar.  

8 am Mini wheats with blueberries and milk

Exercise:  Sets of 5 min interval on the treadmill (5 mph) followed by light strength, biceps/triceps, shoulders. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 246

Blood sugar this morning was 102.

French toast for breakfast

Exercise...heavy weights, biceps and triceps, lunges, abs, plank.  One set of each with 15 lb weights (20 reps)   Barely made it and set the weights down during the lunges/squats.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 245

It's been a bit of an off day.   I didn't start my post and keep track all day.   I have been a little distracted, but not horribly.   I actually planned my day and mostly stayed on track.  My mind has not been completely in the game though.

I skipped my blood sugar.

Started the step workout, got in about 20 minutes when I answered the phone, and never went back.   After that call my mom called and I talked to her for a while too.

Made french toast for breakfast.  It was yummy!  Had mine with apricot syrup.  Yum, yum yum!

I snacked afterwards, Don't remember what now.  

lunch was a hot dog, even though I was kinda wanting a salad.    

Watermelon for a snack.

A couple meatballs that my daughter made for dinner and shrimp salad.  

I was reminded today how much I am loved.   I have a Father in Heaven who is aware of all my needs, recognizes me as His daughter and is really honestly there if I should ever need Him.   He cares for me more than I can understand in my earthly state.  I also remembered how much I love my children. How blessed and lucky I am to have them in my life.  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 244

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Darren Daily, facebook posts that speak to me.   My brave son, even though he was really scared on his first day of school.  He walked into that classroom. 
Intentions for the day:Clean Kitchen.   Complete my checklist.  Find ways to be consistent and disciplined. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 243

Sunday Morning.  skipped the weigh in

Blood Sugar 106, I was a little surprised as I really enjoyed the ice cream last night, and ate more than I was hungry for.

Breakfast:  watermelon and a hotdog.  I actually didn't eat until about 10:30

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 242

Saturday.  We did some shopping and cleaning in anticipation of company.   Three days in a row visiting with people.  We have not been this social in a very very long time.  If ever!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 241

Here in Utah today is the state holiday.  The 24th of July is the day we celebrate that some of the first pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley.   Brigham Young stood at the top of a hill and said "This is the Place"   Don't quote me as being 100% accurate on timing of all of that...but we do celebrate the founding of our state today.  :)

We got to bed really late last night and it was rather hard to wake up this morning. 

Blood Sugar:  114...not too surprising

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 240

What a day!  IT's been a little crazy.

Morning sugar:  97!!  YAY!!

Breakfast:   protein balls

Snack:  Protein balls, bacon and a little potato salad that I was making for the dinner we went to last night.
Ran to target and the new building
Lunch at a park with the kiddos: a couple crackers with turkey, and a cream soda.  I really wasn't that hungry so barely ate.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 239

A little off today...never got around to tracking.
Blood sugar 106

Workout:   With trainer.  Lots of lunges, squats, runs, pushups, yoga.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 238

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Morning power hours,  Getting up early.   The kids working together well...actually cleaning!

Intentions for the day: Finish Up bedroom.  Declutter

Morning Blood Sugar: 101

Exercise: One and part of another Boot Camp videos (Stephanie)  I was having technical difficulties!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 237

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Dreams.   Rainy mornings.   Good books.
Intentions for the day: Clean my room.  Get the kids rooms clean.

Morning Blood Sugar:   107  Much better than yesterday.

Exercise:  Treadmill.  I ran 5 min at 6mph!!  AWESOME!  I'm halfway to that goal.  :)   Some weights also, biceps triceps abs, pushups, shoulders.  12 lb weights.

Healthy Journey Day 236

Sunday morning. 

Weigh in:  194.8   Down two pounds.  I was really surprised!

Blood sugar 122.   Another surprise.  I don't think it's ever been that high!

Breakfast 9:30   A few pieces of Bacon and a protein spinach smoothie (with Kefir)   Thinking I need to do what I can to bring my sugar down today.  I want to maintain the slow and steady progress I have been seeing!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 235

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Meditations, sleeping in.  Kids that can take care of themselves while I sleep in. 

Intentions for the day: Clean house in preparation of company tomorrow. Prep food too.  

Morning Blood Sugar: 111

Exercise: None,  Not sure what is going on in my brain but I have had a hard time motivating myself lately.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 234

It has been a busy I didn't get my official post.  :)   Here is the synopsis.

I got up early and paid bills.  It was time to do that.   I had promised the kids I would take them to minions and the first showing was at 10.   After catching up on bookwork...I didn't have time to exercise.   I ate half a yogurt with granola and it just wasn't hitting the spot. 

We went to the movie.   I didn't get any snacks promising the kids we would go to sizzler afterwards for lunch.  The only problem with this was that we were all starving by the time the movie ended.

Sizzler was good.   The rolls are divine!   I got the salad bar, a good and bad choice.   I had a very yummy salad.   It filled me up but then I wanted to go back and get more, I had some taco meat and chips but couldn't finish it.   I also had a small ice cream cone.  I kept thinking I wasn't hungry but yet continued was less than I would have done even a year ago.

We had lots of fun and then hurried home to clean, I dropped my daughter off at an activity and then met my husband to see some work he had done.  We ran errands on the way home. 

I was very snacky this afternoon, had a cupcake and some snap pea crisps I bought to try.   Also some macaroni salad that I bought only because I was hungry at the store.

We had steak for dinner.   We have a new infared grill.  It is really neat. Gets really hot!   I was so scared I was going to burn the steaks that I undercooked them instead.  They were really good though!  I also ate a cupcake afterwards.

Not enough water or steps...will work on that tomorrow.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 233

It's been a crazy day!   I slept in this morning because I was just plum tired.   Then worked out with our trainer, after which  I took my kiddos to the local science museum.  They ran and played for hours.  I was plum worn out!   I am just getting to writing my post.   So much for keeping track as I eat!

Blood Sugar 111

yogurt and granola

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 232

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Motivating books.    I started reading the book "State of Slim"   I am really liking it so far!  Sleep.  

Morning Blood Sugar: 100

Exercise:  walked on the treadmill for 90 mins.  4.5 miles!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 231

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes: Living in a safe neighborhood.  A workout partner.  Hard work.  Policemen.

Intentions for the day:  clean the brick on our building (it was covered in Ivy!) make dinner, clean house.
Morning Blood Sugar: 97...I was surprised!

Exercise: 25 min Jonathan workout from this morning.  weights...biceps and triceps, pushups, lunges squats.  12 lb weights

Monday, July 13, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 230

It's been a crazy day.  I didn't get in exercise because I stayed up too late again, and slept in.  We had to run to the accountant's office for business stuff today. and that took a bit of time.  I took the kiddos to the zoo afterwards.  That was lots of fun!

Blood sugar 111  the turkey didn't off set it like I hoped it would

Breakfast 9 am
Chobani yogurt with granola

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 229

Sunday morning!  I've been staying up really late and getting up late.   Not exactly the healthy habit I am wanting to create.   I skipped my weigh in this morning.  Figured I ate too much salt over the last couple of days. 

Blood Sugar 107

I made pancakes for breakfast.   Had them with eggs and apricot syrup.  Yum.

Ate a few skittles and then a roll with sausage after church.

A bunch of tootsie rolls (the flavored kind)  I sat down and just ate them very mindlessly.  I have had few things bugging me and I think I let it get to my eating.

A few slices of turkey.  Yum!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 228

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  getting stronger, motivational emails that come just on the right day.  Communication.
Intentions for the day: Clean, be with family.

Morning Blood Sugar: 103

Friday, July 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 227

Another interesting day.  My eating has been way off...I got in half a workout as my hubby and daughter came home while I was in the middle of it.  She has been at camp all week and  I was so glad to see her!  I think I have been in a fog all week in missing her.  
I ate an apple for breakfast and then cupcakes...they were yummy.  Skittles.  And sausage rolls for dinner.  (Rolls with butter and sausage)  Meals of the kings today.  :)  Not really.  A king would have eaten better. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 226

I have been off in another world this week.  Today has been the worst.  I am not sure what it is, but I know I need to get my act together!  Tomorrow I am going to plan my day and get things done.   

I did do laundry, plan menus and go shopping today...even made dinner, but my brain isn't really around.   IT is almost midnight and I am just now realizing that I didn't write a post for the day!!

So--it's not hard to reconstruct my day.   
For breakfast I made a raspberry vanilla protein shake with a handful of greens.  I had half before exercise and the rest after.  

Exercise.  I warmedup and then ran on the treadmill for 5 mins.  Lifted 12 lb weights and then ran, more weights.  Shoulders and biceps/triceps.   It was supposed to be three reps of 15 for each, but I could only do two.   a total run of 1 mile  in a total of 15 minutes.

Lunch was non-existent I wasn't hungry and then really was when I was out shopping.  I grabbed a piece of chocolate salted carmel cake at the store and some greek yogurt with chia.  The cake was good...I stopped eating it before I was finished because I realized that it no longer tasted good, and hadn't for the last few bites.   If I had been paying attention I would have eaten a lot less of it.   (I was famished it was 3 pm)  THe greek yogurt was ok.   Rather tart after the sweetness of the cake.  If I was in the store hungry again, I would just pick that.

For dinner my brother came over and had spaghetti with me and my boys.   We had a good talk.  I made yummy sauce and they brought eclairs, garlic bread and a salad.  I spiralized some zucchini to go under the sauce.  Yum!   We also had whole wheat noodles.   It was all yummy!  

NOw I am heading to bed!  Busy day tomorrow catching up.   My daughter is coming home from camp in the morning!! Can't wait to hear her adventrues!  It has been raining a lot here, so I bet she has some stories!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 225

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  motivational books, goals, sore muscles (didn't know what I did yesterday would make me sore...but apparently I can push myself to that point!)

Intentions for the day: Exercise, make plan to get everything done that I have set as goals. 

Morning Blood Sugar: 105

Exercise:  ooops, I procrastinated too long and didn't get it in...still really sore though.  I'll put in a good one tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 224

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes: Strength workouts...history to see how much I have progressed, water
Intentions for the day: Clean

Morning Blood Sugar: 105

Exercise:  Ab warmup, biceps, triceps, squats lunges, abs, 12 lb weights (lat rows 18lbs) 20 reps x 3 pushups and plank

Monday, July 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 223

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  texting,  things saved in my browser that are exactly what I need.  Brothers
Intentions for the day: Clean

Morning Blood Sugar: 114

Exercise:  Treadmill  Ladder  Incline of 8 and speed of 5, max time of 4 min.  30 min total...I was beat after that!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 222

Be Your Best Self Today
Weigh in:  196.8

Gratitudes: Lazy holiday weekends.   It's fun to sleep in do something only if we want to, and just feel rested!
Intentions for the day:  more sleep (maybe?) plan for the week...exercise and food. 

Morning Blood Sugar: 100

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 221

Happy Fourth of July!!

We slept in today. Definitely needed it.  I didn't want to get up!

Blood Sugar at 11 was 100.  I was very surprised especially with all the punch I drank last night.

We had a Texas Roadhouse lunch.  I am still not very hungry...had a roll and half a salad.  Ordered the BBQ chicken with ribs and sweet potato.  The chicken wasn't quite what I was looking for.  Ribs were yummy though!   We always get fried pickles.  YUM!

Munched on some peanut butter bars

and then some of my ribs that were leftover and a little of my son's steak.

rootbeer float at the neighborhood fireworks display.  It was absolutely amazing!   ( a piece of cheese cause I was a little munchy) 

An Epic ending to a fantastic 4th of July!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 220

Today is the day of the company party.   I am still a little sick but feeling better.   Sudafed and Tylenol make me feel just about normal. :)   I have no appetite still.  Maybe it is the heat! 
I cleaned all day.. except when I sat down because I thought I might fall over other wise!

A scrambled egg for breakfast
Snacked on Skittles while cleaning
Drank lots of water
Enjoyed Brisket, broccoli salad, pasta salad, grapes and watermelon.  Peanut butter bars and cheesecake for dessert.   It sounds like a  lot, but I felt like I didn't eat much.  I made a slush punch that was very tasty and everyone loved it!  It is a recipe from my brother's friends family.  Very yummy!
It was   a fantastic party, lots of fun and fireworks.  :)  Overall a grand success! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 219

Still feeling sick.   REally sick of being sick.  This stupid cold is going to my lungs everything else has.   Coughing and sore throat is not what I wanted!

Forgot my sugar this morning.  I had to get up early and try and mow the lawn before the garbage truck came.  I got half done.  Glad I did it this morning as my energy is now gone!

Had two eggs and some sausage and cheese on a bun for brunch around 10

A Handful of skittles at 2

Astro burger and a strawberry shake at 7.   I have had no appetite today.   Just really really thirsty. 

No exercise, but I still surpassed 10k steps.   We have a party to get ready for tomorrow.  I hope I feel better!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 218

Be Your Best Self Today
I woke up with a head cold...feeling yucky!!
Morning Blood Sugar:   108

Exercise:  skipped

Time: 8 am
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:mini wheats, milk, blueberries

Hunger Level*:

Hunger Level*:
Ate: ice cream

Hunger Level*:
Ate: ice cream  and turkey

Hunger Level*:
Ate: grilled cheese with tuna, popcorn

Water intake: not enough

Daily Wins:  self care and cleaning.   I sat a lot today to help my body, but I also did laundry and swept the much as I could anyway

Daily goal:
Drink 64 oz water  Complete.   Continue to strive for daily. 
1 fruit, 1 Veg. 
One load of laundry to completion:  wash-dry-fold-put away

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis.
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October
7.  The Amy stretch!
8.  Brenda Vance Stairs
9.  10 full pushups--met!!

I am 34 inches thinner from my bust/waist and hips and a size 8's measurements of 36/28/38 on October 7, 2015.  I am following the trainers workout and food plans drink 64 oz of water a day and getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
I track this by completing my measurements every 4 weeks and weighing in weekly. My expectation is to see a decrease of approximately 5 inches per month.

 I am completing my daily trainer workouts, planning my meals, eating as I am hungry and listening to my fullness cues. I get in 10000 steps 6 times a week. I measure my progress with Sunday Morning weigh ins and document it on my blog. I stick to a regular bedtime and use a timer when I am on the computer.  I feel energetic and strong. I Feel good in my own skin.

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.