Thursday, July 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 226

I have been off in another world this week.  Today has been the worst.  I am not sure what it is, but I know I need to get my act together!  Tomorrow I am going to plan my day and get things done.   

I did do laundry, plan menus and go shopping today...even made dinner, but my brain isn't really around.   IT is almost midnight and I am just now realizing that I didn't write a post for the day!!

So--it's not hard to reconstruct my day.   
For breakfast I made a raspberry vanilla protein shake with a handful of greens.  I had half before exercise and the rest after.  

Exercise.  I warmedup and then ran on the treadmill for 5 mins.  Lifted 12 lb weights and then ran, more weights.  Shoulders and biceps/triceps.   It was supposed to be three reps of 15 for each, but I could only do two.   a total run of 1 mile  in a total of 15 minutes.

Lunch was non-existent I wasn't hungry and then really was when I was out shopping.  I grabbed a piece of chocolate salted carmel cake at the store and some greek yogurt with chia.  The cake was good...I stopped eating it before I was finished because I realized that it no longer tasted good, and hadn't for the last few bites.   If I had been paying attention I would have eaten a lot less of it.   (I was famished it was 3 pm)  THe greek yogurt was ok.   Rather tart after the sweetness of the cake.  If I was in the store hungry again, I would just pick that.

For dinner my brother came over and had spaghetti with me and my boys.   We had a good talk.  I made yummy sauce and they brought eclairs, garlic bread and a salad.  I spiralized some zucchini to go under the sauce.  Yum!   We also had whole wheat noodles.   It was all yummy!  

NOw I am heading to bed!  Busy day tomorrow catching up.   My daughter is coming home from camp in the morning!! Can't wait to hear her adventrues!  It has been raining a lot here, so I bet she has some stories!!

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