Thursday, July 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 219

Still feeling sick.   REally sick of being sick.  This stupid cold is going to my lungs everything else has.   Coughing and sore throat is not what I wanted!

Forgot my sugar this morning.  I had to get up early and try and mow the lawn before the garbage truck came.  I got half done.  Glad I did it this morning as my energy is now gone!

Had two eggs and some sausage and cheese on a bun for brunch around 10

A Handful of skittles at 2

Astro burger and a strawberry shake at 7.   I have had no appetite today.   Just really really thirsty. 

No exercise, but I still surpassed 10k steps.   We have a party to get ready for tomorrow.  I hope I feel better!

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