Sunday, July 26, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 243

Sunday Morning.  skipped the weigh in

Blood Sugar 106, I was a little surprised as I really enjoyed the ice cream last night, and ate more than I was hungry for.

Breakfast:  watermelon and a hotdog.  I actually didn't eat until about 10:30

Lunch:   Bread with butter.  In primary today we sang pioneer songs and shook mason jars of cream to make butter.   It turned out really good and I ate a couple pieces.  ;)

Dinner:   Hamburger, pasta salad.  Cake and ice cream.  YUM  I was actually more in the mood for the pasta salad but ate the hamburger anyway.  

Tomorrow is the first day of school for my son.   So wrong!   It'll be a busy next 24 hours. 

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