Friday, July 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 227

Another interesting day.  My eating has been way off...I got in half a workout as my hubby and daughter came home while I was in the middle of it.  She has been at camp all week and  I was so glad to see her!  I think I have been in a fog all week in missing her.  
I ate an apple for breakfast and then cupcakes...they were yummy.  Skittles.  And sausage rolls for dinner.  (Rolls with butter and sausage)  Meals of the kings today.  :)  Not really.  A king would have eaten better. 

I was thinking that I deserve to make meal time an event for my family.  As though we have company.  I always make a better meal when we have people over.   So why not do that all the time...well balanced, thought out.  On time...  Words to think about.

Tomorrow is another day.  I have no guilt over my eating, just know that my sugar won't be so grand in the morning and that I don't feel so good as my body has not been fueled well.

Tomorrow is another day.  

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