Monday, July 20, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 236

Sunday morning. 

Weigh in:  194.8   Down two pounds.  I was really surprised!

Blood sugar 122.   Another surprise.  I don't think it's ever been that high!

Breakfast 9:30   A few pieces of Bacon and a protein spinach smoothie (with Kefir)   Thinking I need to do what I can to bring my sugar down today.  I want to maintain the slow and steady progress I have been seeing!

Lunch 12:30
A little potato salad and a roll with turkey.

4:30  A mini chocolate and some snap pea crisps.

Hamburger with sauce, veggies, potato salad.  Slush punch.   Ice cream with chocolate raspberry sauce.  Yum.   Had a fun visit with my brother and his family.  

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