Saturday, July 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 242

Saturday.  We did some shopping and cleaning in anticipation of company.   Three days in a row visiting with people.  We have not been this social in a very very long time.  If ever!

Breakfast:  Greek Yogurt, Protein balls.
Snack:  Butter toffee nuggets.
Lunch:  I cooked a pizza for the kiddos and enjoyed a large piece.
Snack:  Protein balls and a banana
Dinner:  Hotdog potato salad, salad, pasta salad, chips and dip.  Ice cream, banana, brownie bite.   Vanilla Ice cream with butterscotch syrup was yummy!

We set off fireworks and had great conversation.   I totally forgot to check my sugar this morning.  I also did not exercise.  I still got 9200 steps though. 

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