Friday, July 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 220

Today is the day of the company party.   I am still a little sick but feeling better.   Sudafed and Tylenol make me feel just about normal. :)   I have no appetite still.  Maybe it is the heat! 
I cleaned all day.. except when I sat down because I thought I might fall over other wise!

A scrambled egg for breakfast
Snacked on Skittles while cleaning
Drank lots of water
Enjoyed Brisket, broccoli salad, pasta salad, grapes and watermelon.  Peanut butter bars and cheesecake for dessert.   It sounds like a  lot, but I felt like I didn't eat much.  I made a slush punch that was very tasty and everyone loved it!  It is a recipe from my brother's friends family.  Very yummy!
It was   a fantastic party, lots of fun and fireworks.  :)  Overall a grand success! 

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