Thursday, July 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 240

What a day!  IT's been a little crazy.

Morning sugar:  97!!  YAY!!

Breakfast:   protein balls

Snack:  Protein balls, bacon and a little potato salad that I was making for the dinner we went to last night.
Ran to target and the new building
Lunch at a park with the kiddos: a couple crackers with turkey, and a cream soda.  I really wasn't that hungry so barely ate.

Snack at home:  couple of protein balls.

Dinner at a friends house.   Hamburgers, a piece of a hotdog.  Potato salad.  Green Salad.  Cake and ice cream.

It was a little bit of a stressful day.  I learned that it is sometimes better to share too much information at the right time, than not enough at the wrong time.  :)   A little confusing, but it is important none the less. 

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