Friday, July 17, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 234

It has been a busy I didn't get my official post.  :)   Here is the synopsis.

I got up early and paid bills.  It was time to do that.   I had promised the kids I would take them to minions and the first showing was at 10.   After catching up on bookwork...I didn't have time to exercise.   I ate half a yogurt with granola and it just wasn't hitting the spot. 

We went to the movie.   I didn't get any snacks promising the kids we would go to sizzler afterwards for lunch.  The only problem with this was that we were all starving by the time the movie ended.

Sizzler was good.   The rolls are divine!   I got the salad bar, a good and bad choice.   I had a very yummy salad.   It filled me up but then I wanted to go back and get more, I had some taco meat and chips but couldn't finish it.   I also had a small ice cream cone.  I kept thinking I wasn't hungry but yet continued was less than I would have done even a year ago.

We had lots of fun and then hurried home to clean, I dropped my daughter off at an activity and then met my husband to see some work he had done.  We ran errands on the way home. 

I was very snacky this afternoon, had a cupcake and some snap pea crisps I bought to try.   Also some macaroni salad that I bought only because I was hungry at the store.

We had steak for dinner.   We have a new infared grill.  It is really neat. Gets really hot!   I was so scared I was going to burn the steaks that I undercooked them instead.  They were really good though!  I also ate a cupcake afterwards.

Not enough water or steps...will work on that tomorrow.

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