Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 245

It's been a bit of an off day.   I didn't start my post and keep track all day.   I have been a little distracted, but not horribly.   I actually planned my day and mostly stayed on track.  My mind has not been completely in the game though.

I skipped my blood sugar.

Started the step workout, got in about 20 minutes when I answered the phone, and never went back.   After that call my mom called and I talked to her for a while too.

Made french toast for breakfast.  It was yummy!  Had mine with apricot syrup.  Yum, yum yum!

I snacked afterwards, Don't remember what now.  

lunch was a hot dog, even though I was kinda wanting a salad.    

Watermelon for a snack.

A couple meatballs that my daughter made for dinner and shrimp salad.  

I was reminded today how much I am loved.   I have a Father in Heaven who is aware of all my needs, recognizes me as His daughter and is really honestly there if I should ever need Him.   He cares for me more than I can understand in my earthly state.  I also remembered how much I love my children. How blessed and lucky I am to have them in my life.  

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