Friday, July 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 241

Here in Utah today is the state holiday.  The 24th of July is the day we celebrate that some of the first pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley.   Brigham Young stood at the top of a hill and said "This is the Place"   Don't quote me as being 100% accurate on timing of all of that...but we do celebrate the founding of our state today.  :)

We got to bed really late last night and it was rather hard to wake up this morning. 

Blood Sugar:  114...not too surprising

I have been in a major funk today...maybe PMS, Maybe lack of sleep but either way it isn't the greatest! 
Breakfast a couple of protein balls.   I rather like those things.  A little carnation in milk too, the extra that my son didn't want. finished the bag of butter toffee nuggets.   They were yummy and I was hungry this morning.

I skipped exercise.   I know if I got started I would have felt better, but I just wasn't in a place where I could even get myself to it.

Lunch:  Rolls and turkey at hubby's office.  He had to work today.   Chips and Pumpkin Choc chip cookies.

Dinner:  We went to my friends house for dinner and fireworks.   Salad, steak, corn on the cob, potato salad, jello, peach shakes.    Was a great evening!

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