Friday, May 1, 2015

Good Bye Coach Erik

Coach Erik.   It was his last day in boot camp today.   His workout was amazing!   Epic doesn't even begin to describe it.  His on going theme is that we are "enough but unfinished". Today he shared thoughts like: "Shame,guilt, judgment that is the road to nowhere."   "This is about losing the fear and leaning into fulfillment."  "lean into fear, it's scary, I'm telling you.  I know you can do it!  You already are doing it!"  "If something doesn't light you up, find something else.   Let it go and find your flow"  "Meet yourself where you are" "The end of fear is where we begin." (a quote from the song Let Love in)  "Everything we want in life is on the other side of fear.  New evidence through actions, inspired action in the present moment.  Breaking through the limiting beliefs and fears that hold our Joy hostage."  "we've got to take action to meet ourselves where we are and not be enslaved, not let our joy be enslaved by our old story or obstacles in our lives." 

Thinking about this and contrasting from my thoughts this morning I realize that being inadequate is my old story.   It is something that belongs in my past.   I am not inadequate.  I am enough just as I am right now.   Because I have things to work on, things I need to improve in my life, does not diminish who I am.   I am enough.   I have fear.   I have a lot of fear.  Some of which I do not fully understand or am able put into words.  I deserve to lose this fear.  I deserve to feel fulfilled.  I deserve to come out of that safety net of my old habits.   Step into the roles that I have before me, waiting for me to take action on them.   I deserve to be whatever I want to be.   I deserve to over come this fear.  Let go of this negative bully that tells me I am inadequate and not enough.   Losing weight has nothing with figuring out who I am on the inside.  Nothing will change on the inside if I change my outside.  The opposite is true as well.  

Here is more of what he shared:  "Courage to do things a different way"  "Find your power"   "Light the fire in your heart"  "Enact self love through your actions" "Nothing is good or bad, it is an act of self love or feeding something else" "there is no perfection" 

How can I show myself love?   By doing what I say I am going to do?   Completing my routines so that I avoid giving my negative voice ammunition. Remembering that every action I take is a way of showing myself  and others love, or not.   Changing the dynamic of my thoughts!  This seemed very significant to me today.

These are only a few segments of what he shared.  I don't have time to transcribe the whole workout right now.  I just felt like I got so much out of what he said today I wanted to share parts of it!

Thank you Erik for giving us so much of your passion, love and support!   You will be missed from the Boot Camp team.  I wish the greatest success to you as you continue your journey of JOY!

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