Monday, May 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 167

Gratitudes:  Visualizations.   I listened to one this morning that seemed to make me feel more energetic.  Tapping.   I tapped through my anxiety this morning, it helped.  I was quite anxious about my ultrasound appointment today.  Not that it was scary, it is just what may come because of it.   If the enlarged lymph node changes shape or grows it could be a resurgence of my thyroid cancer.   I have been clean for years and not worried at all about it.  Hopefully this is all a false alarm.  Prayer.   I know my prayers are answered.  Sometimes it is a not yet, or a no, but my prayers are always answered.   I have had multiple reminders of that lately and am so grateful!

Intentions for the day: Clean the kitchen, make dinner.   Go to bed on time.

I am 34 inches thinner from my bust/waist and hips and a size 8's measurements of 36/28/38 on October 7, 2015.  I am following the trainers workout and food plans drink 64 oz of water a day and getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
I track this by completing my measurements every 4 weeks and weighing in weekly. My expectation is to see a decrease of approximately 5 inches per month.

Morning Blood Sugar: 101

Exercise: Steph's workout. Shoulders and abs, per trainer's plan.   8,10 and 12 lb weights.  OUCH!   4 ladders in 6 min 50 sec.   Our goal is to decrease the time in which we complete the set of 4

Time: 8 am
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:chocolate protein smoothie:   almond milk, chocolate protein powder, 1/2 banana, spinach, a T cocoa powder.  YUM!

Hunger Level*:
Ate:scrambled egg and toast. 
Comments: was tired after the workout decided the scrambled egg sounded pretty good and would be tasty. 

Hunger Level*:
Ate: Arby's roast beef and an orange cream shake
Comments:  Was feeling rather hungry after my appointment. 

Hunger Level*:
Ate: a brat on a bun with cheese.
Comments: A version of italian place sandwiches.   No onions or peppers...for my hubby.  Turned out ok...I wasn't too hungry but ate a whole one anyway. 

Water intake: 64 oz

Daily Wins:  Exercise, survived my ultrasound appointment.  I didn't emotionally eat.   YAY!   I felt my feelings instead of hiding them.   I tapped them out which really helped.   Prayer did too.  ;)

Daily goal:
Drink 64 oz water  Complete.   Continue to strive for daily. 
1 fruit, 1 Veg. 
One load of laundry to completion:  wash-dry-fold-put away

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis.
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October
7.  The Amy stretch!
8.  Brenda Vance Stairs
9.  10 full pushups

I am 2 lbs lighter each week and am 30 lbs lighter on 6/15/15. (From 198 to 168) I am completing my daily trainer workouts, planning my meals, eating as I am hungry and listening to my fullness cues. I get in 10000 steps 6 times a week. I measure my progress with Sunday Morning weigh ins and document it on my blog. I stick to a regular bedtime and only be on the computer/electronics with a timer. My aim is to feel energetic and strong. Feeling good in my own skin.

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

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