Sunday, May 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 166

Weigh in: 198.6   I also did my measurements.   I was surprised to find that I actually gained in a couple places.   I am going to hope that it was muscle with fat still over laying it.   I feel firmer..and definitely stronger.   Our fitness test last week definitely showed that I am stronger.   

It is mothers day today so I was pampered a little bit.   Hubby gave me a very pretty orchid and breakfast in bed.  my son asked if I wanted the first gift of the day and then gave me a huge hug.  I thought it was sweet.  

Morning Blood Sugar:95  Nice!

Breakfast:  9:30   
Homemade gandolfo sandwich.   Eggs bacon, sausage, cheese on a hoagie roll.
11:00  half a chocolate protein milk.   Wanted something sweet..
4:00  Ribs, left over from yesterday.   a few mini candy bars.   Felt the need for chocolate.  
6, a couple english tea cookies  a piece of a sandwhich I made my son.

There was a lot of talk in church today about being forgiving.  Forgiving yourself if you have done something wrong.   I think I have a lot to forgive myself for.   I get stuck in blaming myself for things and don't get past it.   Time to finish the process.  

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