Sunday, May 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 159

Weigh in:  199.4

Blood Sugar:  110   time to do something more...It must get lower!

It was fast sunday again.   We had a family get together at my parents house.  food was yummy.  Roast potatoes and gravy, salad, watermelon, jello salad.  pasta salad.   A few whip and a small slice of shortcake.   

I had a few mini chocolate chip muffins and half a chocolate protein milk as well.   

After not eating all day and combining that with family functions my tendency is to overeat.   I was very proud of myself for eating to my hunger!  

My blood sugar was 88 at 4:30 pm  I was glad to see that.  

Now before bed I am still a little hungry.   But not horribly.   We shall see how that pans out.  
Hoping for good numbers in the morning!   

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