Sunday, May 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 180

Sunday again.   I have our bedroom window open, listening to the rain coming down.  Thunder and lightning.  It is quite the downpour tonight and wonderful!   I love a good rainstorm!   We lived in the boonies when I was young and could watch the storms/lighting come across the desert to us.   I love the smell of rain, the sound of rain and the combination with Thunder and Lightning is amazing!   What a great evening.

Blood sugar this morning was 101.   I was really surprised.  Usually when I eat pizza for dinner, like I did last night, it is usually higher the next morning.   I will not complain though.

Weigh in:   199.   No complaint there either.   I have been in a mode lately where I don't care about my weight anymore.   I feel as though I may be giving up....but I have just felt like I don't need to change anything.  Perhaps this is a mode of accepting myself.      I am also working on remembering to set myself up for success.   Boot Camp has a "Win tomorrow Checklist" which is helpful.  I keep forgetting to fill it out.   I entered it into my home routines app.   In an effort to remember better, I found an app called Good Habit Maker.   You enter in the "mantra" you want to remember as well as the times you want to be reminded (9a-9p, 3-5 times)   And then it randomly will chime with your reminder.   So for my "mantra"  I put:  Put First things first, set yourself up for success.   So far so good.   

Setting myself up for success is something that came to me in the shower (I do my best thinking in the shower!).   I think it is key.   If I don't do the dishes one night, I don't want to make dinner the next day because it will take too much effort.   And it keeps going from there.   Rather a ripple effect of sorts.   

We spent the morning preping the house and food for a family get together tonight.    We smoked some ribs on our Traeger.   YUM!   They turned out beautiful.  Maybe that is because my hubby tended them exclusively.  I tend to burn them some how.    I made potato salad with bacon...yum!   We had lots of good food!   

Breakfast:  Scrambled Eggs and a chocolate muffin
Snack:  Fruit Snacks.
A little bacon
Dinner:   Ribs, chips, potato salad, strawberry fluff, bread.  
Dessert:  Ice Cream.  We have discovered Tillamook Ice Cream.  It is soo tasty!  We had chocolate peanut butter, and mudslide, and vanilla.  With some chocolate and caramel sauce, cherries and whipped cream.  

I ate more than my hunger tonight.  It was all so tasty!   I don't like feeling over full!   
It was nice to visit and eat yummy food with family!  

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