Saturday, May 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 179

It hasn't felt like a healthy journey today.  I have had a rather off day.  Just tired and not feeling good.   I have a kink in my neck that is refusing to go away. 

Blood sugar this morning:   101. 

Breakfast was a chocolate banana protein shake, like the last few days.   We went to the store and to my brother's grave.   I bought jerky and fruit snacks at the store and we snacked on that as we drove around.   Lunch was a hot dog and an eclair. 

We were hungry as we went driving later and tried some soda flavored licorice.  It wasn't good at all.  Yet I ate some anyway.  We ended up ordering pizza for dinner, and I had a little pasta as well as some skittles and a chocolate muffin.   Not feeling good....wanting comfort, yet eating instead. 

Not enough exercise.  I thought I would use that energy to clean house, but instead I was tired anyway and didn't do any of the stuff I planned on doing.  (clean kitchen, prep for the dinner I am making tomorrow...)

I feel a little frustrated with myself but at the same time my shoulder/neck is killing me.   Time to take some ibuprofen and get to work I guess....As Erik always says, the best way out of a rut is action!

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