Saturday, May 30, 2015

Healthy journey day 186

We've been out driving today in the desert.  Beautiful day and weather!  

We passed a scout camp.  😄
Food today was planned out ahead.   Preparation is good.  I need to plan regular days like I do special days.  
French toast and bacon for breakfast
Fruit salad for lunch and a couple bites of a hot dog. 
Snacks of tootsie rolls Popsicles and 
Dinner was chicken skewers with veggies and pineapple.  Pasta salad and grapes. 

We found cacti. 

And a tree shaped like a seven. 

A fun.  Hot day.  And we are all tired. 
I didn't get enough water.  It was hot and I felt like I was drinking but still feel parched.  

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