Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 162

Today was an irregular deserves an irregular post.  I went on a field trip with my son.  We went to the aquarium and Texas Roadhouse.   It was fun!

Blood Sugar:   108, to say I am miffed is an understatement.   I was thinking I had it all figured out and it turns out I don't.  I'll keep trying.   The lancet with my glucometer is not working very well, so that is irritating me as well...

Breakfast:   8 am,  Chocolate protein milk.   It wasn't my best choice but we were in a bit of a hurry.

Lunch:  1:30, pulled pork sandwich and fries.  Provided by Texas Roadhouse.  I was starving!   All the kids were too.   We had a few activities we had to do before they fed us.  It was a great experience though.  We got to walk through the kitchens and the kids formed their rolls into shapes.   The aquarium was ok too. ;)

Snack:  3:00  I was still hungry but just grazing a bit.   a few pieces of rolls, left over fries.   A piece of cheese with chicken.   A ningxia

Dinner:  6 pm  Quesadilla with leftover chicken from the other night.   cucumber slices.

Blood sugar at 9:30 106.  Hoping it doesn't go up. Ate a viactiv 

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