Monday, August 31, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 279

I told my husband last night that I am easily distracted.  I sure am today!   It was hard to stay on task and I had so much I wanted to do!  

Blood Sugar 96

Breakfast this morning:  Peach, yogurt and granola.  So yummy!

Exercise:   The stair workout from my template page's goals list.   It was hard but good.

Snack:   Squaw bread with butter.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 278

Sunday.   Weigh-in time.   I thought about skipping but then realized I want to have a starting point as I start with the trainer again this week and also am working on planning meals better.   It was 198.  I know I have not been drinking enough that may be the cause.  Either way I'm not stressing about it.

Blood sugar 93.   I don't know why I doubt it.   But I do...  I know that it is a number and I need not doubt...but I am.

I ate an egg, peach (yum!! I picked all the peaches off our tree yesterday.  They are so big and juicy!) and some chocolate mini muffins...yum

Snack...more chocolate mini muffins

We snacked on Skittles and GUmmi worms after church....I used them in Primary.  We played Sing or Dare.  The kids got to pick a song or a dare like:  everyone gets a candy, or lay on the floor and say I love primary 3 times.  It was fun.   Both time the candy dare was pulled out at the very end.  I was surprised...couldn't have planned it better if I had tried.

I had a BLT after church as well

For dinner we ate smoked salmon.   I found a new cajun spice on amazon that we tried.   Can't say it was much different than the penzeys one. 

Took the kids outside for 20 minutes before bedtime.  IT was fun to wander and enjoy the outdoors for a little while.   I spent most of the day reading a book and it was good to get real sunlight.   

Well off to bed I go.   I am working to be up before the kids are, hard now that my daughters alarm goes off at 6:15!!  I am working to be more dedicated and have greater follow through with my goals
 this week.  So getting all stars in Home Routines and planning meals/exercise.  I'm going to do it!!   WIsh me well. :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 277

Morning Blood sugar:  96.  I was really surprised.
I took a leisure morning and listed to a hypnosis and meditation app on my phone.   Then checked my sugar.   Maybe that helped?

Breakfast:  9 am Toaster Strudel.  Yes it isn't gone yet.   It doesn't taste as good as it once did.  I had forgotten about the peaches...they are so much better tasting!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Healthy Journey 276

Very busy day.   Started out with 10 minutes on the treadmill, showered and then ate yogurt with a peach and granola.  Yum.    Ran to take my son to school.  Went to the carwash, finished cleaning the car and then back home to get my daughter ready.  She had a late start today.  Seems silly. But ok.   After dropping the girls off, I went to the bank to meet my hubby and sign some paperwork. 
We headed to costco after that.  Getting stuff for hubby and salmon for dinner tomorrow.   Found a new cajun spice we want to try. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 275

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Car pools, going to bed  early and waking up early.  Peaches straight from my tree that are really yummy.   Garbage pickup.  Thanks garbage guys!
Intentions for the day: Exercise, clean, finish up the bills

Morning Blood Sugar: 101 I felt like I ate less yesterday...apparently my body didn't like that as much.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 274

Blood sugar was 96.   Still surprising.  I must be doing something right?

Oatmeal for breakfast and then I subsisted on watermelon for the most part.   A little cheese.  It was a rainy day.  I didn't really do much, but then I did.   For exercise I sat on my bike and finished a book.  I read the confessions of a shopaholic.   I didn't realize it was a book before they made it a movie.   Good book but lots more language than I expected.   Maybe I'm a little prudish, but I don't need to read swear words. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 273

Its been an interesting day.  My daughters first day of seventh grade...that pulls at my heart strings a bit.  Then I went to the dentist.  Luckily even though I have not been to the dentist for a couple of years (yikes!)  I didn't have any cavities.  I do have some unhappy gums in places, so I will work on that.

Blood sugar this am:  93  Rather surprising!
I quickly exercised this morning 3 minutes a 6 mph of a 10 min walk and then some abs and arms with 12 lb weights. 20 pushups as well.  The car pool arrived at 7:20 so that made it a shorter time frame than I expected.  I ate some oatmeal, showered and got my son off to school then took the youngest to my parents.   The dentist is a 10 min walk from their house so I got in some more steps.  Felt good to get out and walk.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 272

Today I have been putting a lot of thought into Grit and Determination.  Yesterday I was so frustrated with myself.   The fact that I have been posting for 272 days now and it seems that I am in exactly the same place as I was.   Ok I have made some great strides and progress...but it just wasn't evident to me at the moment.   So I decided that it is time for me to pick something and do it no matter what!!   It is the difference between interest and commitment.   I am going to! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 271

Skipped everything this morning, and ate a lot more sugar.   My actions are as if I have just given up lately.   But I also wonder if I am taking a couple steps back to get a running start.  My mind just hasn't been in the game lately.  

Healthy Journey Day 270

I have not done a very good job tracking my food lately.   I had a toastser strudel for breakfast and then snacked most of the day until dinner.  It was one of those days where I felt I was on task and doing great and then hubby called and reminded me that it actually takes 5-6 hours to smoke our ribs, not the four I had been thinking.  We had invited his sister and family over for dinner so this wasn't a good thing!  
I got the ribs on and then go out a bit later to check heat.   Turns out that somehow the pellets didn't catch on fire, no smoke, no flame until I had the lid open and poof!   Smoke and flame city.   I had to empty out the smoker and vacuum up the little bits of burning wood pellets.   This happened to burn the vacuum filter and melt the bottom of the vacuum container.   Needless to say I was begining to feel I was a harbinger of chaos!

We finally got everything cooking, it all turned out great.  We had a great visit and great food.  I cut up some veggies and made a shrimp and a jello salad.  rolls on the side.  Crackers and hummus as well as smoked salmon.  yum!  That hummus is good.  My daughter even liked it!

Lots of cleaning...I did 15 min of exercise, and cleaned a lot the rest of the day.   We took a quick errand trip around....

Well I am falling asleep while typing.   So good night!  Tomorrow will be a new day!  ;)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 269--Grit!

It has been a sugary day.   Possibly to be expected as I was rather short on sleep last night.   I spent the day entering a bunch of receipts for the business and eating whatever was closest.   I found I wasn't really concentrating on anything and the time I was allowing for each project was getting longer and longer.   I could have finished much faster if I chose to.   So I am not logging my food...but my wins are that I tried some hummus at costco I really liked and so I bought it.   I also bought some green juice because I knew I needed some greens.  :)

I have been thinking a bit lately about grit and determination.  Grit is defined as courage and resolve; strength of character.  I have felt a lack of grit.   I think that is what comes in to play when I am tired or sitting and just don't want to...that decision point.  To have grit is when I get up and do it anyway.   That extra bit of resolve to move and complete the thing I am thinking I should do.   When everything in my body is telling me I don't want to care, I don't feel like it.  I can just do it tomorrow.  Grit will kick in and help me to do it anyway.    "I will feel the fear and do it anyway".  
Determination is defined as firmness of purpose; resoluteness.  Unflinching.  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 268

It's been an off day.  I've had to sit and do a lot of bookwork today and so my schedule has been quite different.  I got in some quick exercise first thing this morning and then ran to the store after taking my son to school.  Breakfast was great, eggs, oatmeal and raspberries.   I used my cherry pitter (I bought it yesterday) to pit the rest of my cherries and had those as a snack with cheese.   After that, I started snacking and had a hard time stopping.  We had wienerschnitzel for dinner.  Between those times I lost track of what I ate.   It was a I feel constantly hungry day. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 267

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  motivational shows.  Watched Extreme Weight Loss while exercising.  Mitzi was a hoarder...she wants to be a body builder.   Pretty amazing to watch her transformation.  She had the oldest body builder (world record!) train her in part of the show.  Really neat.   She was very inspirational.   Determined, dedicated and disciplined to be fit!
Intentions for the day: Clean kitchen, do laundry

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 266

Today has been a tad bit traumatic for me.   I took my son in to have 4 teeth pulled.  Not fun.   His poor mouth is so crowded.  He was a trooper.  Did everything asked of him.  Me I was a nervous wreck!

Blood sugar 103
Exercise:   Treadmill for 10 mins (2 at 6 mph)  Weights, pushups.  Chest and back, static lunges, jumping jacks.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 265

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  I've made it 265 days!

Intentions for the day: Clean

My dream world--at least a portion of it. :)

I had a dream last night that a friend invited me to a movie.   This was a friend I hadn't seen for a while, and I wasn't sure what the movie was.   We sat down in the theater around 8 am and started watching the previews.  I had someone else I knew come and sit close and we changed seats moving down so they could sit by us.   I had a huge handful of medication that I realized I was supposed to have taken, but was just holding on to it.  There was a documentary of sorts on the screen about a baby with a brain injury of sorts and how the family dealt with it.   I thought it was just a preview but it turned out that was the movie.   I remember being disappointed because I wanted to see something different.  But yet it was over before I even realized it had started.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 264

It is Sunday.   I have started my mornings out lately with about 2 full cups of water.   I think it is helping me.  Get my water intake in.   Feel better too! 

I skipped my weigh in this morning.  Decided I wanted a drink more than a weigh in.

Breakfast:   Scrambled eggs and toaster strudel.  

Lunch:   Key Lime pie

Dinner:  a few chips, applesauce, roast and rolls, a brownie.  The brownie didn't taste good at all but I still ate it.  At some point I will be able to stop after a bite if I don't like it. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 263

Saturday,   Got up early today because we were all in bed and going to sleep by 9:30 last night.  Crazy!
I did yoga for 50 minutes.   Just a video I found online, really liked it.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 262

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Back on track!   Great ideas that come out of no where.  :)

Intentions for the day: Clean kitchen, pay bills, prep meals.

Morning Blood Sugar: skipped

Exercise:  HIIT training.  I found a HIIT timer on itunes and downloaded it.   Then used the routine that came in my email today.  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 261

I'm working to get back on track.  I've let myself get distracted....but there has been progress.  Last night I was in bed with lights out before 10.  Yay!   Got up earlier this morning.   Definite progress.

Breakfast:  1 clementine, toaster strudel
Snack:  Muffin
Treadmill, 20 min with some 6 mph intervals.  Weights shoulders and ab bicycles

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 260

It was a bit of an emotional day for me...I must be pmsing.  It wasn't so grand!

I ate oatmeal for breakfast,
walked the treadmill for an hour and then lifted 15 lb weights--biceps x 20 reps.  12 lb for triceps.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 259

Skipped Blood sugar, I have somehow misplaced my meter.

Breakfast:   Oatmeal with milk

Exercise:   one hour on the bike, lunges, pushups, flies

Monday, August 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 258

I sure started out slow today.   Was feeling just out of it!  Had a nice long talk with my hubby though.  It is nice when we can talk. 

treadmill for 10 mins, strength, hamstring rolls, squats, abs, tricep pushups

Change Your Attitude

I had a huge realization this morning.  It is time for me to change my attitude!    It all stems from my seven year old starting school.   He has been given a lot of homework.  Every night he has to read for 15 mins, complete a reading fluency sheet, spelling words, a math page and computer math to do.   It seems like a lot to me.   I have been voicing my dismay at how much homework he has had to do.   Last night I could see it rubbing off.   He was complaining and saying why do I have all this homework?   He would probably have just done it if I hadn't said anything.  I really realized that my attitude was affecting his.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 257

It was one of those Sundays.  I was tired, not wanting to do much of anything.  

Mini wheats for breakfast,

Toaster strudel for lunch

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 256

Early this morning I was off.   I ran the third leg of a triathlon today.  The two mile run.   I participated as part of a team with my parents.  It was fun.   I realized however that my lungs are out of shape.  My legs were good...lungs not so much.   Time to work more on that endurance!  I finished the 2 miles in 24 minutes though.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 255

It's been a hard day today.   I stayed up way too late last night and didn't get to sleep in.   I had the "I don't care" type of attitude as well.    My eating reflected it a bit.

breakfast:  oatmeal with milk
snack:  nutella on bread
Lunch:  Cherries and cheesecake

Dinner:  Hotdogs, tootsie rolls a few veggies a taste of cake.

I have just felt sick to my stomach most of the afternoon.  I know it is from my diet today.   I have a feeling that it might effect my 2 mile run tomorrow.  Hopefully not!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 254

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes: house, family and stretching
Intentions for the day: feel better

Morning Blood Sugar: skipped

Exercise:  bike, 12 lb weights.  Shoulders

Time: 9
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:french toast with apricot syrup

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 253

Another one of those days.  I feel like my head isn't screwed on straight today.  Just really tired.  Was up late and had to get up early this morning.  

Yogurt for breakfast
Exercise:   Treadmill with 1:1 intervals.  I got up to 8 mph for 30 seconds.  Weights.  15 and 12 lbs.  Biceps triceps, squats and lunges

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 252

It's been a crazy busy day!  I've been on the road quite a bit more than usual and my son had preschool orientation.  

Breakfast:  protein balls,
snack 9:45  two toaster strudels. 
noon:  Toast with a piece of bread and cheese.   Took the cheese off it was too much.
5:  While out driving around bought a bag of tootsie rolls, ate more than I care to share
6:00  Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich, my kid's frosty.   A fry.  very I'm very full.

When we go out on a drive and might not be back in time for dinner...Packing snacks would be a great idea...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 251

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes: treadmill!   Rainy days.   Intervals.  Weight training.   My pants fit.  Dishwashers!
Intentions for the day

Morning Blood Sugar: 103--since I ate a lot of ice cream last night I was pleasantly surprised!

Exercise:  Treadmill 25 min, 1:1 interval after 15 min warmup.  Got up to 7 mph.   Ball tri pushups, weighted abs (12 lbs), squats.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 250

Weigh in:   195.8

Blood Sugar:  98

It was fast Sunday today.   I slept in a bit, as I stayed up most of the night binge watching a stupid show...I don't know why I didn't go to sleep or get up and clean while I watched.  So instead I am very tired and have a messy kitchen...yay.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 249

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  family lunch dates.  A clean bedroom.  Quiet saturdays.  Gas Stations
Intentions for the day:Clean out my closet

Morning Blood Sugar: Skipped

Exercise:  Skipped

Time:  8 am
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:  Yogurt

Time: 9
Hunger Level*:
Ate: pancakes and syrup (apricot)

Hunger Level*:
Ate: Texas Roadhouse, a roll, fried pickles, salad with ranch, ribs and steak, sweet potato.   YUM!

Hunger Level*:
Ate: Graham Crackers, marshmallows and chocolate  (we heated it in the microwave for a few seconds)   A couple of chips.

Time: 7
Hunger Level*:
Ate: a couple bites of leftover steak,  grapes.  Sausage and rolls

Water intake:  62

Daily Wins:  Did lots of laundry.  Bought grapes and veggies at the store.  YUM!

Daily goal:
Drink 64 oz water  Complete.   Continue to strive for daily. 
1 fruit, 1 Veg. 
One load of laundry to completion:  wash-dry-fold-put away

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis.
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October
7.  The Amy stretch!
8.  Brenda Vance Stairs
9.  10 full pushups--met!!

I am 34 inches thinner from my bust/waist and hips and a size 8's measurements of 36/28/38 on October 7, 2015.  I am following the trainers workout and food plans drink 64 oz of water a day and getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
I track this by completing my measurements every 4 weeks and weighing in weekly. My expectation is to see a decrease of approximately 5 inches per month.

 I am completing my daily trainer workouts, planning my meals, eating as I am hungry and listening to my fullness cues. I get in 10000 steps 6 times a week. I measure my progress with Sunday Morning weigh ins and document it on my blog. I stick to a regular bedtime and use a timer when I am on the computer.  I feel energetic and strong. I Feel good in my own skin.

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.