Monday, August 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 272

Today I have been putting a lot of thought into Grit and Determination.  Yesterday I was so frustrated with myself.   The fact that I have been posting for 272 days now and it seems that I am in exactly the same place as I was.   Ok I have made some great strides and progress...but it just wasn't evident to me at the moment.   So I decided that it is time for me to pick something and do it no matter what!!   It is the difference between interest and commitment.   I am going to! 

So to start with I have the home routines app.  It is all set up with my routines but I have not been using it.   Today I opened it up.  I did most of the items there...the goal is to get all the stars every day.   I may have to adjust it.  I got half stars today.  It is a start.  Tomorrow I will get more.   I am so tired of not making progress.  Now is the time to make the difference.  I even have the win tomorrow checklist on there (from bootcamp)   All those things I keep trying to is part of my list.   Tomorrow I will get all stars completed!

I also am recommitting to meal planning and prep.  I am going to figure it out and put it into action this week.  No more procrastinating.  No more excuses it is time!

Blood sugar 91
Exercise:  Walk to pick my daughter from her orientation (1.73 miles)
Food:   Oatmeal for breakfast
Toaster Strudel.  They have become an easy grab when I am hungry food.
Lunch: rice, chicken and beans
Green smoothie drink,
Dinner:  Chick-fil-a.  It was spirit night for my boy's school so we supported.

Off to bed.  I have a lot to do tomorrow!  It will be a full star day!

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