Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 260

It was a bit of an emotional day for me...I must be pmsing.  It wasn't so grand!

I ate oatmeal for breakfast,
walked the treadmill for an hour and then lifted 15 lb weights--biceps x 20 reps.  12 lb for triceps.

Wasn't that hungry really...had gummy worms and chocolate milk for lunch
snack:   lemon poppyseed muffin, m&ms

dinner:  Chips, brats, one bun.   Brownies.  Weren't that tasty.   I had gone on a trek to get brownies that were once really good (30 min drive) and they really were nothing like I imagined today.

Well off to in my 10k steps yay!   Not enough water, although I did drink a lot this morning.  Maybe that is why I wasn't so hungry.  :)

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